the young man Nahor

Exclusive extra available now!

Subscribe today with the form on this page, and get free access to the full-length audio interviews with characters from The Stone Cutter.

You’ve read about them, now hear them in their words.

For a bit more about the interviews, read here.


Zabibe, SoI, Kindle mockup

Also available now!

Subscribe today and get the free bonus download of Brock Meier’s short story “Zabibe, Son of Iamboulos.” (available only to subscribers!)

The story introduces two characters from his first novel, “The Stone Cutter.” Zabibe, a former pirate and sometime philosopher takes center stage in this short story. He tells the bizarre account of his life to Nahor, the novel’s protagonist. For a bit more about the story, read here.

While some things seem impossible…

          they might just be true


Brock Meier