≈ Waters In the Desert ≈

Stories set in the fabulous desert kingdom of Nabataea

Ad-Deir, Nabataean tomb of Obodas, Petra
The Stone Cutter, front cover

BROCK MEIER’s 1st novel in the collection—

≈ Waters In the Desert ≈

The Stone Cutter

Petra—she was the New Atlantis

Waters In the Desert is Brock Meier’s explorations into the first century desert Kingdom of Nabataea. What were the Nabatu people like, and how did they live? What were their great passions? Their deep trials and doubts?

The collection weaves stories of intrigue, triumph, defeat, love and death, all swirling around the magnificence and glories of the Nabatean Kingdom.

The Stone Cutter

Book one, The Stone Cutter, tells of the rapid ascent into the art-world by a boy named Nahor, who had been abandoned by his father in the capital, Raqmu (today called Petra). Follow his life as it becomes entangled in the allure of an exotic songstress, and later as a tragic accident destroys his career. Sail with him through his adventures to the Far East as he searches for a mysterious object known as the Shamir, which he believes will resurrect his career. Love gained, love lost, and love cast aside, permeate his life as Nahor attempts to find the belonging he craves.


The Goddess Chaser

The next book follows a queen on the fast-track to spiritual power in service to Isis. She encounters a foreigner fleeing his own fall from religious heights, who brings a strange new truth, complicating her life. Their interaction confounds the royal court, awash with scandal and the demand for deadly sacrifice. An undercurrent of family secrets threaten to banish her from the kingdom. 

—Look for it in 2025!—

More to come…

The collection will also explore the lives of Nabataean royalty, pirates, horse breeders, astrologers, and skilled artisans—

—Short story now available—

“Zabibe, Son of Iamboulos”

is now a free download to subscribers of this website.

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Front cover of short story, "Zabibe, Son of Iamboulos"

“It was an enjoyable read…Brock Meier has done his research well”

– Dan Gibson, author of “The Nabataeans—Builders of Petra”