Suggested questions for media interviews—


— What has been your journey as an author? (my answer to this is strikingly different from most writers)

— why do you write?

— Tell us a bit about your latest book release, The Stone Cutter.

— What attracted, or drove you, to write this story— was it the setting, the history, the characters, or the story?

— Why did you choose the first century Nabataean Kingdom as the setting?

— How did you research the setting and history for your novel?

— This is book one of a series…you have others works in progress?

Discussion topics of particular interest—


— unique aspects of the Nabataeans

    • their origin
    • geography
    • technology
    •  fierce independence
    • economic power

— the status of women in Nabataea

— the relationship between Nabataea and their Judaean neighbors (the Herod family)

— the problems of layering an invented story with what some consider “gospel truth”


The Stone Cutter is a gripping tale of suspense, adventure, and romance, imbued with dark and bright magical realism.”