TheStoneCutter, front cover, w/ Book of the Year medal

Book Club Questions for The Stone Cutter


—We’re pleased that you’ve selected The Stone Cutter as your next book club read! In appreciation, we are offering your book club some suggested questions to consider as you discuss the book. Pick and choose whichever questions might stimulate conversation among your group’s members.


1)  The Nabataeans (and other past cultures) developed arts and technologies that mystify us now. In the case of the Nabataeans, they had transformed a stark desert into a lush garden. Today, this seems nearly impossible. What can this tell us about them, and about us?

2)  Who was your favorite character and why? (a character list appears below)  What were their flaws and weaknesses? What were their strengths?

3)  What are some of the matters (internal, or external) which led to Nahor’s involvement with evil powers?

4)  What led up to and finally precipitated that involvement?

5)  How can seemingly good desires and goals lead down the wrong path?

6)  Demonic entities trapped and controlled Nahor in profound and obvious ways. While this is an extreme and unusual situation, what are some of the more common (and subtle) ways that you see evil manipulating others…or yourself?

7)  What parallels do you see between Nahor’s and Margani’s struggles?

8)  Discuss Aslah, Zabibe, and Sha’ul as mentors in Nahor’s life.

9)  What are some of the passages that especially affected you—either intellectually, or emotionally?

10)  What large themes do you see played out in the story? How can they be relevant today?

11)  What character would you like to read more about in a future book in the series?

>>To jog your memory, here is a list of characterss:
— Timrah and Amru (the twin shepherds)
— Geram (Nahor’s biological father)
— Elanat (Nahor’s biological mother)
— Qainu (Nahor’s childhood friend, and almost betrothed)
— Arwas (father of Qainu)
— Aslah (Nahor’s adopted father)
— Mashkuya (Nahor’s adopted mother)
— Nahor/Shamir (the sculptor/stonecutter)
— Margani (The Song, and Nahor’s final love)
— Zabibe (the philosopher sailor)
— Tenicca (the gem dealer’s daughter)
— Rongyu Shu (the Chinese pearl dealer)
— Ashmedai (the bad guy)
— Sha’ul (Nahor’s last mentor)


    The Stone Cutter is a gripping tale of suspense, adventure, and romance, imbued with dark and bright magical realism.”