Brock World

Brock Meier’s appearances around the internet


—other interviews, articles, and such about Brock Meier, published online


  • History Through Fiction Podcast, Season 6 Episode 3; Interviewed by historian/author Colin Mustful; History Through Fiction podcast
    • Host Colin Mustful talks with Meier about the history of the Nabataean Kingdom, the biblical origins of his main character Nahor, and the unique rock-cut architecture of Petra. Don’t miss this great chat! (about 30 minutes)
  • Legendary singer/songwriter Bob Bennett; Interview by Bob Bennett on Bob’s Youtube channel.
    • — Bob sits down and interviews Brock Meier about how his novel The Stone Cutter was partly inspired by Bob’s iconic song, Man of the Tombs. Plenty of laughs along the way. (about 30 minutes)
  • Jackson Huff/Not In a Huff Podcast; Interview by Jackson Huff on Jackson’s “Not In a Huff” Podcast.
    • — Jackson interviews Brock about the Nabataean Kingdom, how his professional life transitioned scientific research to published fiction author, and his whirlwind romance. (about 60 minutes)
  • Historical Novel Society; the premier international organization promoting excellence in historical fiction.
    • — extensive review of The Stone Cutter, by the staff of the Historical Novel Society,
  • Accidental Author; article on Jeyran Main‘s “Review Tales” book magazine
    • — Brock Meier posts a guest article about his unconventional entrance into the ranks of published novelists.
  • The Protagonist Speaks; an extended interview by Assaph Mehr
    • Nahor/Shamir, the protagonist of The Stone Cutter, sits down and discusses details of his life with Assaph
  • I felt a connection; Interview by the Literary Titan.
    • Brock delves into his unusual journey as an author in this written interview.
  • A Loss of Sanity…; D.K. Marley; in-depth review of The Stone Cutter; The Historical Fiction Company
    • — a comprehensive and penetrating review of Brock Meier’s The Stone Cutter. This is the review which led to HFC’s selection of the novel for their 2023 Book of the Year, Ancient World.
  • Fides et Ratio podcast; Karen Early; Karen’s multi-part interview with Brock Meier; Fides et Ratio (Faith and Reason) blog and podcast
      • Part 1— Brock answers the question: “Why did you become an author?”
      • Part 2— Brock discusses the “why” and “how” of self-publishing
      • Part 4— Brock reads and discusses a passage from the novel
      • Part 5— Discussion of poetry, suffering, and Nabataea

The Stone Cutter is a gripping tale of suspense, adventure, and romance, imbued with dark and bright magical realism.”